Semaphore is an international system of visual signaling of two flags or flashing lights. Semaphore was traditionally used to send messages over relatively short but difficult to-cross distances, such as between hilltops or ships at sea.

Semaphore Table

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Learning How To Translate and Memorize

Opposite Visualization

This method involves memorizing and visualizing the semaphore letters in pairs, much like how it is done in Morse code. There are 11 pairs of opposites. Only four letters do not an opposite: R, L, T, D.

Circular Visualization

This method involves visualizing the relative positions of the static flag (the flag that remains in a fixed position for each of the circle mentioned below) and dynamic flag (the flag that moves clockwise from the static flag’s position). The dynamic flag will always move clockwise from the static flag’s position, never counterclockwise.

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  • 1st Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘0’: A B C D E F G
  • 2nd Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘1’: H I K L M N
  • 3rd Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘2’: O P Q R S
  • 4th Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘3’: T U Y
  • 5th Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘4’: J V
  • 6th Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘5’: W X
  • 7th Circle; Static Flag Position at ‘6’: Z
Numerical Association

This method involves assigning a numeric value to each of the letter and is roughly based on the Circular Visualization Method. Each letter will have a unique two number value. To assign the numerical value, we use the numerical positions as seen above. For each letter, always use the lower value of the two position first and the higher value as the second. Example: For the letter ‘A’ we will assign it the numerical value of ’01’. The letter ‘B’ will be assigned ’02’ and the letter ‘R’ will be ’26’.

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Semaphore Pairs
  • A & G – AlliGator
  • B & F – Best Friend
  • C & E – Christ & Eucharist
  • D & R – DR. (Doctor)
  • H & Z – HaZzah
  • I & X – sIX
  • J & P – John Paul 2 (JP2)
  • K & V – KeVin
  • * L & T – Lam Ta
  • M & S – Morse & Semaphore
  • U & N –  UNderwear
  • O & W – OW!
  • Y & Q – Yo Quiero