For additional memorization practice, please check out the Morse Trainer website below.
Morse code was devised in the 19th century by Samuel Morse, an American who had also invented the electric telegraph. Morse wanted to develop a system of dots (.) and dashes (-) that would send messages along the telegraph quickly.
Tích and Tè
In Morse code, each letter in the American alphabet corresponds to a specific combination of dots (tích) and dashes (tè), between one and four dots and/or dashes in length.
Tích: short sound (.)
Tè: long sound (-)
Morse Tree
The Morse tree is the quickest way for beginners to learn how to decode. Start from the bottom (at “E” or “T”) and continue working your way up/over (if necessary) until you find the letter that corresponds to your combination of tích and tè characters.